The Amazon is considered to be the lung of our planet, producing 20% of all the oxygen. In addition to hosting a huge diversity of plants and animals, many of them specific to this area.

This week has hit us all with a big fire. I have read there have been protests, indignation, sadness and anger worldwide. Mass protests have been requested to take preventive measures.

The truth is that we only raise our voice when such disasters occur and it is likely that in a couple of weeks we will not remember that the lung of the planet is injured. Ignoring the problem or not remembering about it, is not the solution. The Amazon will remain wounded, therefore, the planet will too.

Hopefully, it is forbidden to reuse this land for industrial agriculture. Perhaps that stops those responsible for the fires from burning more jungle just for the benefit of some industries.

We wish and ask for real measures and adequate solutions to prevent the Amazon and forests of the Congo and Southeast Asia, and any other places, from burning and being completely destroyed.

Through education and commitment, we should all be aware of the respect and care we owe to the planet. If our conscience and morality lead us to be respectful of the planet in our day-to-day lives and to be aware that each one of us – with our actions and decisions – is part of it, we may begin to improve a little.

I include a link, so as not to repeat what we are supposed to know. These are the habits we should avoid in order to stop wasting natural resources and prevent pollution. Although governments should have and apply a clear prevention approach, we are still responsible for what each of us does.
We have allowed big commercial brands and companies to increase their profits at any price. That price is paid by us, our children and the future. However, we can choose. Being able to choose is probably not an option to which we turn, we often ignore that we have this option. BUT WE CAN CHOOSE. If we decided not to buy, the company would not earn our money.

We have allowed big commercial brands and companies to increase their profits at any price. That price is paid by us, our children and the future. However, we can choose. Being able to choose is probably not an option to which we turn, we often ignore that we have this option. BUT WE CAN CHOOSE. If we decided not to buy, the company would not earn our money.

We take care of our children, our homes, our work, our personal items, but we don’t realise that our planet is the place we live in. The planet Earth is our home and should be our priority, our children have no future if we leave it in a poor condition. Our planet is injured, mistreated and sick. However, we still have the chance to protect this wonderful place full of charm. Let´s preserve it and take care of it as it deserves, and stop it from being destroyed for commercial interests and for our lack of of commitment.

Thanks for reading.

Be strong and neutral.

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